Thursday 23 October 2008

The Circle of Broken Trust

The wind stirs up the leaves below
They sing their haunting tune
They twist, they turn and form a ring
And dance beneath the moon.

The children know no different
As they wail with hands held high
They pray to Gods they're told exist
And despite their fear, can't cry.

For crying causes great distress
The tears, they make Him MAD
Each salty droplet shed that night
Commenses all things bad.

These bad things make them want to die
The torture is too much
They're hung from branches way up high
And men then come to touch.

Each time the men abuse the trust
The child begins to vanish
Her soul gives up and leaves this life
The life to which it's banished.

A new nest this poor soul does find
To find some time to heal
Each day, each hurt is locked away
Until one day she's real.

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